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Skin Confidence Programme

Skin Confidence inside and out, a blend of skincare and coaching helping you to confidently put your best face forward.

The Skin Confidence Programme is the perfect blend of coaching to help you overcome that inner dialogue – I’m not good enough, I don’t have the confidence, the I can’t do that imposter syndrome and address what it is that is holding you back.

Combined with your bespoke home skincare routine and professional skin treatments to help you look and feel your absolute best.

  • Have you previously suffered with acne, perhaps as a teen and yet it still affects your confidence?
  • Is your skin changing due to menopause?
  • Do you have a big event coming up where you just want to exude confidence?
  • Are you still fighting the teenage demons that you’re not good enough, you’re not the pretty one?
  • Do you just want to put your best face forward?
  • Have you had a knock to your confidence and need to find that strong, independent woman that you are again?

I’ll take the guess work out of it all and create your own personalised skincare, treatment and coaching plan – that will fit in with you and your busy schedule.

We will work together to create the perfect Skin Confidence Programme for you!

The Skin Confidence Programme is available via consultation only and applications are limited, so if you feel like this is something you need book your consultation today. Each programme is completely tailored to your needs, time and budget.

The Skin Confidence Programme is for you if –

  • You lack skin confidence.
  • Want to improve your self-esteem.
  • Are baffled by skincare.
  • Want to improve your appearance & confidence.
  • Feel confident in your skincare routine.
  • Break free from the imposter syndrome.
  • Want better looking skin.
  • You’re the face of your business and want to feel empowered to put your face ‘out there’ whether it’s attending networking events or featuring on your social media channels.

How does it work?

This is a completely built for you programme so pricing will depend on what you want to achieve, your time, budget and what aspects you want to build into the programme. That could be more coaching and less skin treatments or more skin treatments and homecare with less coaching for example.

An example of the programme –

  • A one hour skin treatment per month.
  • Two one hour confidence and mindset coaching sessions per month.
  • All skin homecare included. 

Example commitment – 4 months as above

Total – £1376 or £344 per month

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