Skin Spotlight – Interactive Skin

Signs and symptoms of Interactive skin

  • Fragile skin,
  • Thin,
  • High colour/ redness,
  • Stinging/ burning,
  • Reactive,
  • Irritation and inflammation,
  • Broken capillaries,
  • Pustules.

Interactive skin can manifest as sensitisation due to ill health, medication, over stimulation, generally stressed skin and skin with severe environmental damage due to pollution and effects of global warming.

Do you want to –

  • To feel confident in your skin,
  • Reduce high colour/ redness,
  • To look fresh faced,
  • Remove stinging/ burning,
  • Be able to use skincare without fear,
  • Reduce irritation and inflammation.

Having skin confidence is feeling comfortable and positive about your skin’s appearance, texture, and overall health. It’s about feeling good in your own skin and having the confidence to show it off. It’s not just about having perfect skin, but also accepting and embracing your skin’s imperfections while taking care of it. Skin confidence also involves adopting a positive mindset towards your body and skin. It can be achieved through a combination of self-care practices, such as skincare routines, healthy lifestyle habits, support from your skin specialist and positive self-talk.

What is Interactive Skin and it’s causes?

It’s important to understand the difference between interactive and a sensitive skin. Sensitive skin is a condition not a skin type or classification, it is a skin condition something that you can be born with or you may suffer with one of the atopic triads – hay fever, asthma, eczema. It is a term that is very much over used as a one size fits. However interactive skin is not genetic, not always prone to allergies and can affect any skin colour.

There are many factors that can cause or contribute towards Interactive skin such as –

  • Climate conditions – heat/ humidity,
  • Incorrect skincare products & treatments,
  • Hormonal changes,
  • Medication,
  • Imbalanced microbial barrier and skin barrier,
  • Stress,
  • Eczema, Psoriasis,
  • Diet – caffeine, spicy foods,
  • Impaired skin barrier,
  • Rosacea,
  • Allergies.

All of the things listed above can contribute to Interactive skin but we can control or reduce exposure to some of these factors.

While Interactive skin can be frustrating, there are professional treatments and homecare products available to restore normal skin physiology and to improve the health and appearance of the skin.

How to treat Interactive skin

The first step is to assess the skin and any current skincare used with a thorough skincare consultation, during this time we will discuss the past, present, and future of your skin. A skincare consultation is an essential step towards achieving your skin goals. It allows me as a skincare professional to assess your skin’s condition and recommend the best route to take with skincare products and professional treatments.

Some reasons why a skin consultation is important:

Identifies skin concerns: A skin consultation can help identify specific skin concerns that you may not be aware of, such as hyperpigmentation, scarring or dehydration.

Personalised recommendations: Everyone’s skin is different, and a skin consultation allows a me to tailor recommendations to your unique skin type and concerns. I can then recommend the right products and treatments that work for your skin, ensuring optimal results.

Prevents damage: Using the wrong products or treatments can cause damage to the skin. A skin consultation can help prevent this by ensuring that you are using products and treatments that are suitable for your skin type and concerns.

Maximises results: A skin consultation can help you get the most out of your skincare routine by providing personalised recommendations that are tailored to your skin’s needs. This can lead to better results and healthier, more radiant-looking skin.

In summary, a skin consultation is important for identifying skin concerns, receiving personalised skincare recommendations, preventing damage, and maximising results. By consulting with a skincare professional, you can ensure that you are taking the best possible care of your skin and achieving your skincare goals.

Treatments & Homecare

Your homecare and treatment recommendations will depend on the outcome of your consultation, particularly with Interactive skin as we will want to get to the route cause of the issue.

One of the ways your journey may begin is with a Starter Kit, this kit contains everything you need to begin with in six handy travel sizes designed to last 4-6weeks. Using this kit alone may be enough to move you from Interactive Skin to the next relevant skin classification.

If your skin is not quite ready for a full change in homecare then you may be recommended just one product to begin with to assist in repairing the skins barrier.

Homecare is the most important step as this equates to 50% of your skin’s rejuvenation, the additional 50% comes from professional treatments. Your treatment plan will be completely bespoke to you, factoring in both your time and financial commitment. By taking up one of my skincare programmes everything is included and you will receive whatever treatments are needed to get you to your end goal.

The type, frequency and number of treatments will vary for everyone, as everyone’s skin and goals are different. But generally you will work your way through a number of different facial treatments, each one being tailored to your skin’s needs along the way.

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